
SACSIS (Society for the Improvement of Science) is a non-profit scientific organization founded to promote scientific research and technological innovation at the highest levels. SACSIS is the publisher of The All Results Journals, a set of Total Open Access journals (the first of its class) focus on publishing negative results from fields of Chemistry, Biology, Physics and Nanotechnology.

The All Results Journals Needs You!

First way: Be an invited author

We are currently seeking research writers and encourage you to participate in our Blog as invited author. With your contribution, you’ll help to optimize research, something that could be translated in a better society in a faster way.

Here’s how it works.

#1 Apply to become a contributor below… tell us what you do and can do and as much as you can about you. Links to your videos, blog or just upload some pics or a guide as an example

#2 Talk to our editors to be assigned projects. We always have projects we need done and we are always open to new project ideas.

#3 Create a outline and get it approved by your editor

#4 Do your project and/or video

#5 Send your article and/or raw video to the editor with your notes.

#6 Your editor will review the manuscript (or video) and notes and approve it or ask for revisions.

Instructions for blog post: You may use bold face, italic, subscripts, superscripts, etc., as appropriate. Most formatting codes are removed or replaced when we process your article, so there is no need for you to use excessive layout styling. We can accept most word-processing formats (but we prefer Microsoft Word or Open Office Writer).

The invited author should write up an article of at least 500 words. Language must be English. Topics are open but will be appreciated the following:
  • Negative results (a vital key for the development of science)
  • Publication bias on research
  • Scientific language to improve scientific communication
  • News about publication of negative results (new regulations, related Committees, penalties, etc)
  • Negative (or null) results of a drug or treatments
  • Negative clinical trials
  • New scientific discoveries
  • Interviews to prominent scientist about any of previous topics
Do not forget to cite original sources if any is needed.

Every contribution to The All Results Journals Blog will be publicly acknowledged. The first step is to fill out the form below:


Second way: Be a volunteer

As a volunteer, you are an important member of our staff and act as a representative of our organization to the community at large. You can now collaborate with SACSIS as volunteer in several tasks:

* Editorial assistant for The All Results Journals
* English proofreader
* Scientific Copyeditors
* Marketing (online and off-line)
* Scientific journalism
* Web development and design
* Scientific writer
* Reviewer of The All Results Journals
* Fundraising

SACSIS will provide the volunteer:

* The information, training, support and the material necessary to exercise the functions assigned to it.
* Active participation within the organization, design, evaluation and programming of the activities.
* Opportunities for professional development and social interaction with other volunteers.

For a better understanding of what you can expect as a volunteer and what is expected of you by our organization, please contact us with a brief note about your interests.