Jun 13, 2013

On the way to strengthen cancer negative results reporting

The awareness of the importance of the publication of negative results is increasingly spreading among more and more people.

Now, in USA, the member of the U.S. House of Representatives from New York's 23rd district Tom Reed, announced Monday at the Falck Cancer Center at Arnot Health the reintroduction of Reed’s legislation to strengthen cancer research reporting requirements to make research data more available and ensure taxpayer dollars are not being spent on duplicative studies. The Clinical Trial Cancer Mission 2020 legislation makes it mandatory for researchers to publish all data from clinical studies, whether the results are positive or negative and even includes penalties for researchers who do not comply.

For him (for us) and for more people today, not to publish negative research results, is a waste of resources not only humans and economic but also a waste of time in finding cures for diseases like cancer in this case.

“Knowing if a clinical trial failed is just as important as knowing if a trial is successful so millions of dollars are not wasted by other researchers attempting the same research efforts,” Reed continued. “It’s vitally important all trial results are shared so that we might better understand the results to provide better care and advance our shared goal of finding a cure.”


1) http://www.stargazette.com/article/20130603/NEWS01/306030030/Reed-touts-cancer-research-bill-Elmira?gcheck=1&nclick_check=1

2) http://reed.house.gov/press-release/rep-tom-reed-camp-good-days-team-strengthen-cancer-research-reporting-requirements 

Written by Dr. Belén Suárez for The All Results Journals.

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