Prof. Flachosky's research is focused on:
- Nutritional physiology
- Ruminant nutrition
- Feed sciences (including feed additives, nutritional and safety assessment of feeds)
- Animal nutrition and quality of animal products/environment
- Nutrient economy.
Prof. Flachosky have published more than 500 peer reviewed papers and has been member of the Scientific Committee of Animal Nutrition (SCAN) of the EU (1997-2003) and of the FEEDAP-Panel of the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA, 2003-2006). Since 2002 he is working as expert for animal nutrition in Working groups of the GMO-Panel of the EFSA and since 2009 works as a member of the Panel on Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO-Panel) of the EFSA. He is the Chairman of the Committee of Nutrient Requirements (AfBN) in the Society of Nutritional Physiology, Germany (since 2000), President of the FAL (2002/2003) and was President of the Senate of all Federal Agricultural Research Institutes in Germany (2004-2006).