Nov 29, 2010

Negative Results marketing women research

Science, as it could not otherwise be, has been a mirror of social inequalities in their ranks. This is the case of women scientists, who have suffered a historic invisibility in this area. With the aim to end this involuntary "absence" of women within the history of Science, the University of Almería has organized two exhibitions throughout a week in the lobby of the Faculty of Experimental Sciences (Building CITE (III) of the UAL.

The exhibition, The woman and Innovative Science, consists of 20 panels (plus one presentation) which includes a biography of a woman mathematician that has been relevant in the development of the history of science, a didactic application linked to its investigation. It deals to highlight the role of women throughout the history of science as an innovative element and not as a mere spectator of scientific development. "With these exhibitions we try to bring the new generations the life and work of these mathematicians, highlighting the role that took its input in the development of the history of Science, not always recognized, all of this framed with the purpose to promote scientific vocation among the younger". This exhibition has received the First Prize in the contest Science in Action 2009 to work on the popularization of science.

In the exibition With A of Astronomer, it may take a tour by the major milestones of the Astrophysics where the role of women has been crucial. The discovery of the pulsars, the structure of the Universe, or the extent of the distances stellar go before our eyes explained in an enjoyable way. The exhibition consists of 13 panels that make it up, nine dedicated to astronomical concepts, two to the contextualization of history, and to show the relationship between astronomy and culture, one compilation with the names of 116 Spanish women astronomer.

The presentations shows that women can develop and have developed a very important role in Science and sometimes their work have not been sufficiently valued. "We are convinced that it is necessary to make visible the work being carried out, working together eliminating the invisibility of women’s scientific work." - explains Juan Jose Moreno Balcázar, dean of the UAL.

Written by Irene Diaz for The All Results Journals

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