"Non-conclusive results on bile salt solutions: the use of TMA-DPH species for CMCs determination"
Prof. Perez-Tejada authored more than 65 original papers and has directed thirteen research projects and several PhD Theses. Her paper in The All Res. J. Chem has been downloaded more than 200 times since publication. Here we summarize our conversation.
ARJ: Could you please do a brief introduction of your research?
The research conducted is immersed in the study of non-covalent ligand/ receptor interactions (I am a member of the GCJV research group of the Physical Chemistry Department of Seville University). Thus, we have and are currently studying receptors such as: direct micelles (anionic and cationic),[1,2] microemulsions (reverse micelles),[3] polyelectrolytes (anionic dendrimers,[1-c,4] DNA,[1-c,5] polypeptides[6]), cyclodextrins,[7] rotaxanes,[8] nanoparticles[9] and bile salts.[10]
As probe reactions electron transfer processes of thermal, optical, and photochemical character in the normal Marcus region have been used, as well as formation and dissociation reactions of the binuclear complexes.
At present, I am starting a study on luminescent high-energy reactions. Such reactions are electron transfer processes that are related to the photochemical ones. In fact, the joint study of luminescent high-energy and photochemical reactions enables the study of electron transfer reactions in the Marcus inverted region using supramolecular receptor systems such as those alluded to at the beginning.
ARJ: How is the research situation in Europe and Spain with the current financial crisis?
Undoubtedly, the financial crisis affecting Spain and Europe influences in the available resources for scientific researches. In fact, in the current year the funds available were reduced significantly. This reduction affects both project financing and the granting of scholarships, contracts and other assistance. Certainly, we must contain expenditure growth, but it should be known that government support for scientific research is an investment (and not an expense) that also creates jobs.
ARJ: In order to publish your results, what do you think are the biggest advantages of Open Access?
For publication of achieved results in any scientific field, it is quite satisfying to have a journal in an open access on line, since this greatly facilitates dissemination of these results to all levels of society, not just the scientific community.
ARJ: How did you find out about The All Results Journals?
I found out about The All Results Journals through a friend and the web page journal.
ARJ: After publishing a paper with us, what do you think of The All Results Journals: Chem?
I think the idea of the journal is a good one. Often, non-publishable results can lead to a change in research strategy, which can be a positive move. Especially, when anomalous results or strategies may be published and therefore known by other researchers.
ARJ: How was the workflow with editors and reviewers?
The workflow with editors and reviewers was excellent.
ARJ: What feature of The All Results Journals: Chem do you like most?
The feature I like in particular is the one that enables unsuccessful strategies to be known by other researchers. It will avoid useless repetitions.
ARJ: Would you recommend The All Results Journals to your colleagues?
Yes, I DO recommend this journal to other researchers.
ARJ: Would you submit an article again to The All Results Journals: Chem?
Yes, I would be delighted to publish other negative or non-conclusive findings in the journal.
ARJ: Thank you for your time!
Further information:
Mª Pilar Pérez Tejeda
Address: Physical Chemistry Department, Seville University, Spain
E-mail: pptejeda@us.es
Field of Research: Physical Chemistry
Current Position: Professor of Physical Chemistry Department
1. a) Langmuir 1998,14,1539. b) Trans. Met. Chem. 2002, 27, 127. c) J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2002, 124, 5154.
2. Langmuir 2000, 16, 7986.
3. Langmuir ACS 2004, 20, 1558.
4. Chem. Phys. Letters 2004, 398, 82.
5. Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 2001, 3, 4412.
6. J. Phys. Chem. B 2005,109,19676.
7. J. Phys. Chem. B 2010, 114, 9094.
8. J. Phys. Chem. B 2007, 111,10687.
9. J. Phys. Chem. A 2007,111, 9768.
10. a) All Res. J. Chem. 2010, 1, 13. b) Phys. Chem. Lett. 2010, 499, 254.
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