Jun 2, 2010

Submit your paper to one of The All Results Journals and win an 8GB iPod nano!

Here is your chance to win the newest 8GB iPod nano! Submit your negative results today to  one of The All Results Journals (Chemistry, Physics, Biology or Nanotechnology) and you will be automatically entered in an online raffle for an 8GB iPod nano.

The new iPod nano comes with features like:

win an ipod with arjournals

  1. Video recording
  2. Genius playlist
  3. FM Radio
    and Live Pause
  4. VoiceOver
  5. Workout
    and fitness software training
  6. Voice Memos

And much more!

The Editorial Board of The All Results Journals would like to invite article submissions from all researchers working at the forefront of scientific and engineering fields today. The objective of The All Results Journals is to recover and publish negative (or "secondary") results, information that is valuable to other researchers
but is often lost.  All researchers have had the experience of finding results that could be useful to other researchers but are difficult to write up within the traditional framework of scientific publishing.  The All Results Journals advance scientific progress and research by providing a forum for sharing all of your results.

The All Results Journals cover a wide range of disciplines including Chemistry (Analytical Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, Physical Chemistry, Inorganic Chemistry, etc.), Biology (Botany, Cell Biology, Genetics, Ecology, Microbiology, etc.), Nanotechnology (Nanoparticles, Nanotribology, Nanofluidics, Nanotoxicology, etc.) and Physics (Acoustics, Astronomy, Biophysics, Cosmology, Electromagnetism, Mechanics, Nuclear physics, etc.).  Please check our Author Guidelines for more information.

Write up your negative results and win the newest iPod nano with The All Results Journals!

Terms of the raffle:

  1. Articles and reviews on original negative results as well as historical scientific negative results are welcome.
  2. Submit your article on or before September 1st, 2010.
  3. To be eligible for the raffle, the submitted articles must first be accepted for publishing in one of The All Results Journals (after peer-review process).
  4. The online raffle will be performed on September 30th, 2010 and the winner will be announced on our website, blog, and Facebook pages on October 1st, 2010.

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